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The University recognizes the education of students as its primary mission and strives to maintain a professional environment conducive to the development of its students. To that end, the University believes that the purposes of an educational institution are best served not only by bringing to it, as teachers and scholars, persons of proven competence and integrity both professionally and personally, but also by assuring to those teachers and scholars complete freedom to search for understanding.

  • We comply with all applicable statutes and regulations.
  • We educate students from a wide range of backgrounds and respect differences in each individual’s heritage and goals.
  • We respect the individual choices that students make for career paths.
  • We respect each student as a worthy individual regardless of race, color, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal beliefs.
  • We acknowledge and support students’ rights to question faculty members in good faith.

Contact Us

1100 Reynolds Blvd, Suite 1022
Winston-Salem, NC 2710

Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm

Our main office is in the University Corporate Center, first floor, located off campus on Reynolds Drive and adjacent to Truist Field.

Compliance Hotline

Confidential & Anonymous
Toll-free: 877.880.7888

24 hours a day, 7 days a week