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The University adheres to established business standards in its conduct as an institution of higher education. We make every effort to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local government laws and regulations and strive to follow ethical business practices.

  • We understand that the federal and state governments constitute major funding sources for the University in student financial aid, research, and other areas. As such, we acknowledge responsibility for understanding and complying with federal and state grant regulations.
  • We will endeavor to conduct all University business with honesty, integrity, accuracy, and fairness.
  • We will make business decisions with a commitment to promoting the best interests of the University. We will base our decisions on sound judgment and resist the motivations of personal interest or gain.
  • We, as agents and employees of the University, are often entrusted with confidential information. We will maintain and safeguard such confidential information, both as required by law and where business, professional, or personal ethics dictate that we should do so.
  • We will disclose to the University potential conflicts between personal interests and the interests of the University.
  • We will avoid accepting gifts, favors, or entertainment that might appear to obligate the University.
  • While it is acknowledged and expected that from time to time, instances will arise which require the use by employees of University property for personal matters (occasional, brief telephone calls or e-mails concerning personal matters, for example) we will not utilize University property—including confidential information, as well as services, equipment or supplies—for private purposes or gains.
  • We will not work for or receive compensation for services from companies, or establish our own business enterprises, in competition with the University without prior disclosure to our supervisors and compliance with the University Conflicts of Interest policy. We will not accept outside employment or obligations that compromise our ability to perform our responsibilities for the University.

Contact Us

1100 Reynolds Blvd, Suite 1022
Winston-Salem, NC 2710

Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm

Our main office is in the University Corporate Center, first floor, located off campus on Reynolds Drive and adjacent to Truist Field.


Confidential & Anonymous
Toll-free: 877.880.7888

24 hours a day, 7 days a week